The 11th International Seminars on Industrial Engineering and Management (ISIEM) conducted and hosted jointly by Department of Industrial Engineering from 7 universities, and supported by Indonesian Association of Industrial Engineering Higher Education (BKSTI) and Indonesian Industrial Engineering & Management Association (ISTMI). All participants are Al Azhar Indonesia University, Trisakti University, Atma Jaya Jakarta Catholic University, Esa Unggul University, Pasundan University, Tarumanagara University, and Pancasila University.
The main theme for this event is “Technology and Innovation Challenges Towards Industry 4.0 Era. Under this theme, we explore sustainable innovation in industrial technology, information, and management concerning global issues. We also discuss approaches to collect, manage, and use any information efficiently and effectively, thus the results will be able to upgrade industrial competitiveness and value in facing the global challenges in the industrial environment.
DSS-Decision Support System and Artificial Intelligence
No |
Title |
Author |
1 |
A Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach for Determining the Criteria Success Factors of MRT Parts’ e-Procurement: the Case of Jakarta MRT Project |
T Hartanto, M Ginting and O Sunardi |
2 |
Supply Chain Risk Management Analysis using the Development of Fuzzy Reasoning Methods and Analytical Network Process (ANP) at Wooden Toys Industries |
W N Tanjung, S S Asti, S Hidayat, E Ripmiatin, S A Atikah and R S Khodijah |
3 |
Information system design using labor productivity measurement for construction |
Abdullah ‘Azzam, Suci Miranda and Sri Indrawati |
4 |
Development of Information Systems as a Means to Improve Sharia Cooperative Services |
Riri Safitri, Dody Haryadi, Endah Sulisthyani and Vareza Noorliko
5 |
Best Concept Selection for Dry-Soybean Cracking Machine Process Optimization using TOPSIS method |
R A Anugraha, N M Darmawan and M Iqbal |
6 |
Decision Making Strategy For Decreasing The Potential Hazards of Work Accidents at Division R&D Using SWOT And AHP Methods |
D Rimantho, A Elistiani, S Sundana and AS Sundari |
7 |
Risk Management Analysis Using FMECA and ANP Methods in the Supply Chain of Wooden Toy Industry |
W N Tanjung, S A Atikah, S Hidayat, E Ripmiatin, S S Asti and R S Khodijah |
IM – Industrial Management
No |
Title |
Author |
1 |
Feasibility Analysis on the Development of Steel Sheet Zinc Plated and Galvalum Production Factory PT. S Steel |
A Z Rahardja, E Chumaidiyah and W Tripiawan |
2 |
Designing Self-Assessment Tool for Library Performance Measurement Adopting Malcolm Baldrige Framework (Case Study: Central Library of Andalas University) |
N T Putri, D Jumeno, Henmaidi, E Wirdianto, P Fithri and F Zulkhaira |
3 |
Measurement of Human Resources Performance and Making Proposed Improvement with Human Resources Scorecard Approach and OMAX (objective matrix) tools in Production Division in PT. OCM |
Lilyana, Ahmad, Lamto Widodo and Jesen Hardi |
4 |
The Role of Perceived Leader and Organizational Control Effectively to Diminish Cyber Incivility and Workplace Deviance at Work |
Kirana R Ririh, Bambang Cahyadi, Nur Yulianti Hidayah, Anggina S Sundari, and Deshinta R Ningtyas |
5 |
Factors Driving Teacher’s Innovation: A Case Study at Public High Schools in Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia |
Linda Theresia, Abdul Haris Lahuddin and Ramon Bangun |
6 |
Estimating The Cost of Unreliability in Tea Plantation Factory for Sustainable Production |
Judi Alhilman and Aji Pamos |
7 |
Determining Production Cost of Goyor Woven Fabric Using Full Costing Method to Set The Selling Price: A Case Study |
Pungki Mita, Eko Liquiddanu, Wayan Suletra, Muhammad Hisjam and Nanang Rizali |
8 |
Superior Agriculture Business Sector Development for Multi-Region |
Mokhammad Suef, Hari Supriyanto, Yudha Prasetyawan and Intan Oktasari Kusuma Wardani |
9 |
Strategy for Developing Micro Small Medium Enterprise Clusters Using Business Model Canvas and Manufacturing System Design |
Yudha Prasetyawan, Imam Baihaqi, Bustanul Arifin Noer, Harimuti, Adly Nindyanto and Fitriana Kartikasari |
10 |
Analysis of Influence of The PPK Programs on Tenants’ Business Success |
Niken Parwati and Astri Wibowo |
11 |
The Enhancement of Education and Industry Alignment Using Quality Function Deployment |
Udisubakti Ciptomulyono, Yudha Prasetyawan, Elisabet Bertania Cahyaningtias and Winahyu Tyas Wicaksan |
12 |
Understanding Mental Model of Islamic Banking System Using System Dynamics |
Nur Atikah, Akhmad Hidayatno and Komarudin |
13 |
The New Management System Iso 21001:2018: What and Why Educational Organizations Should Adopt IT |
Eric Wibisono |
14 |
Towards A Wisdom Based Innovative Community: Action and Decision Making In DIKW Hierarchy in Indonesian Higher Education Institutions Case Study |
Ferdian Suprata and Stefani Prima Dias Kristiana |
15 |
Strategic Planning of Food Diversification to Improve Food Security in West Java using Soft-System Methodology |
Iphov Kumala Sriwana |
16 |
Competitiveness Model for Ecotourism: A Case Study In BBG |
Gadih Ranti, Linda Theresia, Silvia Mahardika and Ramon Bangu |
17 |
Recommendation for Marketing Communication Program of X Natural Skin Care Clinic, Cikupa – Tangerang |
Sesilia Michelle and Marsellinus Bachtiar |
18 |
The Development of Expert Management System for Handicraft Production Planning (Case Study: Embroidery at Bukittinggi) |
Nofierni and Iphov Kumala Sriwana |
19 |
Business Model Feasibility Based on Customer Development Method: The Case Of Worm Reactor Product |
Wisnu Dewobroto and Kanzi Rachmandi |
20 |
Structuring Disaster Resilience Attributes for Small And Medium Enterprises In Padang City – Indonesia |
Dicky Fatrias, Insannul Kamil and Ahmad Syafruddin Indrapriyatna |
21 |
Bridging Hunger and Food Surpluses Through Food Bank (Case Study: Food Bank Neder-Veluwe, Wageningen) |
Gendis Ayu Satiti Irawan, Muchammad Gumilang Pramuwidyatama, Lous van Vloten-Doting |
22 |
Multiple Life Cycles in The Circular Economy: Making it Happen with Enabling Technologies of IR 4.0 |
Dzuraidah Abd Wahab |
23 |
The Relationship Between Labor Market Efficiency and Innovation |
Rohollah Ghasemi, Bahareh Mahbanooei and Reza Ghourchi Beigi |
24 |
The Effect of Country of Origin and Need for Uniqueness on Female Customers Purchase Intention |
Luthfia Puspitasari and Gunawan Alif |
OR – Operational Research
No |
Title |
Author |
1 |
Analysis daily newspaper distribution in Solo by Agent-Based Simulation |
Izatul Fitria Febriandini, Yuniaristanto, Wahyudi Sutopo and Muhammad Hisjam |
2 |
Multi Responses Optimization for the Sugar Content and Microbial Impurities of Carrot Syrup |
O Isabella and Yurida Ekawati |
3 |
Schedule Risk Analysis by Different Phases of Construction Project Using CPM-PERT and Monte-Carlo Simulation |
Andrie Pasca Hendradewa |
4 |
The Optimization of Semi-Finished Garment Distribution of Forboys SME in Pandeglang Area Using Genetic Algorithm |
WN Tanjung, N Nurhasanah, CF Lutfia, B Aribowo, R Safitri, B Samiono, M Devana, P Kalifa, SW Fauzia and A Supriyanto |
5 |
Utilizing project management software in project scheduling: a case study |
Suci Miranda and M Sugarindra |
6 |
Planting System Modeling Of Chrysanthemum Seedling Plants Stock for Profit Optimization |
A Ilmaniati and D H Taufik |
7 |
Integer Linear Programming Model and Algorithm to Integrate Heuristics Scheduling EDD, Inventory Control and Distribution Problems in a Modular Production System |
P Moengin, E F Harahap, S Adisuwiryo and W A Fransiska |
8 |
Optimum Container Network Route in Papua Region |
Christine Natalia, Chendrasari Wahyu Oktavia and Gabriela Eirene |
9 |
Genetic Algorithm for Waste Transportation Route in Eastern Bandung (Case Study: PD. Kebersihan Kota Bandung) |
Y Yogaswara and L S M D Saputra |
10 |
Improvement Route for Distribution Solutions MDVRP (Multi Depot Vehicle Routing Problem) using Genetic Algorithm |
R Fitriana, P Moengin and U Kusumaningrum |
11 |
Domino algorithm: a novel constructive heuristics for traveling salesman problem |
Asrul Harun Ismail |