The 14th ISIEM 2023 – Jakarta- Indonesia & Taoyuan-Taiwan
14th International Seminar on Industrial and Management (14th ISIEM)
Jakarta – Indonesia & Taoyuan-Taiwan, 13 March 2023
The 14th ISIEM is conducted hybrid (offline in Jakarta-Indonesia & Taoyuan-Taiwan, & online).

Our Keynote Speakers at the latest event in 14th ISIEM 2023
Prof. Awaluddin Mohamed Shaharoun
Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Islamic University of Madinah
Prince Naif Ibn Abdulaziz, Al Jamiah
Medina, Saudi Arabia
Prof. Matteo Savino
Department of Industrial Engineering
University of Sannio, Italy
Steven Lin, MBA.
CEO Motion Technology Electric & Machinery Co., Ltd.
Prof. Ping-Shun Chen
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Chung Yuan Christian University
14th ISIEM 2023
14th International Seminar on Industrial and Management (14th ISIEM)
Jakarta – Indonesia & Taoyuan-Taiwan, 13 March 2023
Theme: “Collaboration and Resilience Towards Sustainable Industries”
This seminar conducted and hosted jointly by the Department of Industrial Engineering from 8 universities. namely: Universitas Pasundan, Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia, Universitas Trisakti, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, Universitas Tarumanagara, Universitas Esa Unggul, Universitas Pancasila, and Telkom University. This year, ISIEM has established international collaborations with Chung Yuan Christian University Taiwan and Kasetsart University Thailand to jointly hold the seminar.
Moreover, ISIEM is supported by the Indonesian Association of Industrial Engineering Higher Education (BKSTI), and the Institution of Engineer Indonesia – Industrial Engineering Chapter (BKTI-PII).
Following the success of the 13th ISIEM that papers were published on proceedings indexing by Scopus, in this 14th ISIEM 2023, All Accepted and qualified papers will be submitted to indexed international publication (recognized by the Indonesian Directorate of Higher Education), after the parallel session is completed. For those who fail to make an oral presentation, then their paper will not be submitted to indexed international publication.
The topics of the seminar will include but not limited to the following interdisciplinary:
1. Quality Engineering & Management (QM)
2. Decision Analysis and Information System (DAIS)
3. Supply Chain Management (SCM)
4. Industrial System (IS)
5. Ergonomics & Product Design (ER&PD)
6. Production System (PS)
7. Operation Research (OR)
8. Industrial Engineering Computation and Simulation
Detail info for 14th ISIEM 2023 participant
Detail info and program book of 14th ISIEM is available in the link below.
More detail info for participant is available in link below:
14th ISIEM 2023 – Review Process
Important Dates
Full paper submission: September 30, 2022 -
Extended Full paper submission: October 30, 2022 -
Extended Full paper submission: December 31, 2022
Notification of Full Paper Acceptance: January 6, 2023
Due Date of Early-Bird Registration: October 28, 2022 -
Extended Due Date of Early-Bird Registration: November 30, 2022
Camera Ready Paper: January 13, 2023
Due Date of Normal Registration: January 31, 2023
Conference date: March 13, 2023
- The authors send the paper to in doc/dox file, the authors must have an account of easychair.
- The paper coordinator distributes all the paper to the reviewer.
- We have reviewers from the university as the 14th ISIEM committee and reviewers from partner Universities outside the committee, and they have come from Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia.
- The reviewer will notice the following issues:
- Title page – Comply with conference theme; Specific: differentiates this research from other published papers on the subject, Author(s) – e-mail address of the corresponding author included, Abstract has: background, objectives, methods, result, a conclusion in the right order, and the paper should have at least 4 keywords.
- Introduction – Clearly state the background that explains the problem, clearly state the problem being investigated (problem definition), clearly state the reasons for conducting the research.
- Research method – If there is an algorithm, formulation, flowchart, etc., it should be explained clearly, explain briefly about the data collection process.
- Result and discussion – Accompanied by tables, figures, charts which present data, state limitations, suggest recommendation.
- Conclusion – Summarize this research.
- References – All references should be cited, cite primary sources (journal article) for the last 10 years.
- Figures & Tables should be in English and captions included in the text.
- Language – Tenses and grammar.
- The reviewers then give a recommendation to the committee whether the paper is accepted or rejected.
- The rejected paper might be caused by failure to comply with the conference theme or the paper quality.
- The committee also checks on every paper for similarity and plagiarism using Turnitin.
- The reviewers send the result via easychair to the committee.
- The paper coordinator then sends the review result to the authors and has the paper be revised following the reviewer’s recommendation.
- The authors send the revised paper to the committee via easychair.