7th International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management, Sanur Paradise Hotel, Bali, Indonesia, March 11th-13th, 2014
The 7 th International Seminars on Industrial Engineering and Management (ISIEM) will be conducted and hosted jointly by Department of Industrial Engineering from 6 universities, and supported by Indonesian Association of Industrial Engineering Higher Education (BKSTI) and Indonesian Industrial Engineering & Management Association (ISTMI). All parties are Al Azhar Indonesia University , Trisakti University , Atma Jaya Jakarta Catholic University, Esa Unggul University, Pasundan Universit y, Tarumanagara University, and Mahendradatta University . The conference were held in Sanur , Bali, Indonesia, on March 1 1 th – 13 th , 2014.
The main theme of this seminar is “Green Technology on Industrial Engineering, Information and Management ”. Under this theme, we will explore sustainable innovation in industrial technology, information, and management concerning global issues. We also discuss approaches to collect, manage, and use any information efficiently and effectively, thus the results will be able to upgrade industrial competitiveness and value in facing the global challenges in industrial environment.
The Participants
DSS – Decision Support System
No | Title | Author |
1 | Carbon Monoxide Pollution Detection And Measurement Using KnowledgeBased And Probability Approaches | Ferry Wahyu Wibowo, Pandan Pareanom Purwacandra
2 | How RFID Technology Supports E-Business Processes | Sudarmawan, Ferry Wahyu Wibowo, Rizqi Sukma Kharisma
3 | Development Of Decision Support System For Selecting Quality Management Systems And Management Tools | Saranya Sukkarn, Natcha Thawesaengskulthai
4 | Framework For Measuring Knowledge Management Performance Using KM Balance Scorecard | Luciana Andrawina, Amelia Kurniawati
5 | Human Resource Decision Support System Design In Maintenance Department of XXL Company Using Waterfall Method | Rayinda Pramuditya Soesanto, Amelia Kurniawati, Nia Ambarsari
6 | Integrated System Design For Order Release At Machining Department PT. ABC | Pratya Poeri Suryadhini, Dida Diah Damayanti, Widia Juliani
7 | Knowledge Management Implementation Using SECI Model At Sarinah Organic Farmer Groups | Dadang Surjasa, Dedy Sugiarto, Binti Solihah, Nirdukita Ratnawati, Brian Arif Jingga
8 | Expert System Development For Improving Quality At Rice Milling Unit | Dedy Sugiarto, Dadang Surjasa, Binti Solihah, Nirdukita Ratnawati, Jimmy Susanto
9 | SECI Model Implementation For Improving Performance of Rice Milling Unit | Dedy Sugiarto, Dadang Surjasa, Binti Solihah, Nirdukita Ratnawati, Jimmy Susanto
10 | Analysis of Philippines Information Technology Business Process Outsourcing (IT-BPO) Industry | Jason Baculinao, Yang Ching Chow
11 | Analysis Of Usability OPCS Software: A Test To The Student | Jason Baculinao, Rizky Junianto, Laurence, Agustina Christiani, Helena J. Kristina Ching Chow
12 | Simulation Model Design of Refueling System at Pertamina Alam Sutera Gas Station | Abel Anthony, Eric Jobiliong, Enda D. Layuk Allo
13 | Helpdesk System Design And Development In A University Based On ITIL V3 Framework (Case Study: Al Azhar Indonesia University) | Endang Ripmiatin, Arum Fitriati
14 | Manufacturing Information System For Small And Medium Enterprise (Case Study Textile SME) | Nida’ul Hasanati, Munawir Biki, Winangsari Pradani, Nunung Nurhasanah, Syarif Hidayat
15 | Selection Of Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System For Furniture Manufacturing SMEs As A Competitive Strategy | Wiwid Dolianto, Zulfa Fitri Ikatrinasari
16 | Waste Reduction In The Production Process Plate Product Type PC 27 C Using Value Stream Mapping Method PT. XYZ | Iphov Kumala Sriwana, Arie Wijaya
ER – Ergonomics
No | Title | Author |
1 | Designing Ergonomic Toothbrush, Toothbrush Refill, And Toothbrush Cap | Andriyani Theresia, Novi, Christina
2 | Analysis of Cultural Attribute In Product Design of Craft To Increase Purchase Intention | Lusia Permata Sari Hartanti, Dian Trihastiuti
3 | Analysis And Improvement Proposal of SDN 7 Kiaracondong Based On Diknas Audit Viewed From Ergonomics Aspect | Dina Magdalena, Elty Sarvia, Winda Halim
4 | Development of Mathematical Model And Software For Digital Circumference Anthropometric Measurement | Benedikta Anna H Siboro, Herianto
5 | Static Back Strength – A Study Among Young Adults | Anisah. H, Hardianto Iridiastadi, Zulfa Fitri Ikatrinasari
6 | Effect of The Work Environment, Leadership, Workplace Design, And Welfare Facilities On Work Performance | Abdul Djalal, Adrianus Ilra, Amalia Azka Rahmayani, Hartomo
7 | Designing of Carton Box Stacking Tool To Increase The Efficiency of Pond Machine At PT. Supreme Tirta Larisindo | Lamto Widodo, Silvi Ariyanti, Alvin Khumara
8 | The Redesign Of Bajaj Study Case For The Old Bajaj In Jakarta | Indra Gunara Rochyat, Andre Hambali
9 | Psychomotor Vigilance Task As A Measure Of Performance-Based Fatigue | Rida Zuraida, Hardianto Iridiastadi
10 | Product Concept Of Rechargeable Battery For Environmentally Friendly Toward Electronic Communications Equipment To Facilitate The User | Geggy Gamal Surya, Efrhenrycx
IM – Industrial Management
No | Title | Author |
1 | Business Model Innovation In Indonesian Jamu Company | Jahja Hamdani Widjaja
2 | Analysis Of The Relationship Between Lecturers’ Teaching Method For Quantitative Courses And Students’ Learning Motivation (Case Study: Industrial Engineering Department, Maranatha Christian University, BandungIndonesia) | Yulianti, Jimmy Gozaly
3 | An Analysis Of Service Performance Influence Towards Customer Satisfaction In Shaping Customer Loyalty (Case Study At X Restorant) |
Eka KA Pakpahan, Roland YH Silitonga, Metta Erikka
4 | Blue Ocean Strategy With Conjoint Analysis Approach Towards The Cooking Spice Products |
Tiena Gustina Amran
5 | Ethical Aspects In Green Marketing; An Meta Analysis Approach | Erni Rusyani
6 | How To Obtain Studentpreneurship Through Entrepreneurship-Based Curriculum |
Jaja Suteja
7 | Implementation Sak-Etap, Management Consultation, Business Going Concern And Easiness Of Capital Acquisition On Small And Medium Enterprises (SME’s) In Bandung | Liza Laila Nurwulan, Budi Septiawan
8 | New Product Marketing Study : Canna Edulis Kerr. Based Food (Flour And Noodle) |
Niken Parwati, Intan Bayduri Zaputri, Nita Noriko
9 | Strategic Process Design For Fish – Based SMEs | Sitnah Aisyah Marasabessy
10 | Higher Education Institution XYZ Performance Measurement Using MBCFPE Based On KPKU-BUMN Approach | Sugih Arijanto, Ambar Harsono, Harsono Taroepratjeka
11 | A Challenge in Implementing Good Corporate Governance in Family-Controlled Listed Companies in Indonesia | Dadan Umar Daihani, Johan Darmawan
12 | Customer Criteria Analysis For Educational Organization Design | Hartomo, Catur Siwi Handayaningtyas
13 | CRM Dimensional Analysis And ANP Method For Sub-Contractor Company Of Oil And Gas Industry In Order To Reduce Customer Complaints | Doddy Prasetyo Nugroho, Rahmat Nurcahyo, Yadrifil, M.Dachyar
14 | Improvement Of Online Trade Service Quality Licensing System In Trade Ministry Of Republic Indonesia |
M.Dachyar, Yadrifil, Asmirawati Ismail
15 | Designing Business Strategy To Improve The Scale Of Food And Beverages Industry In Mojokerto Through Innovation With Cluster Approach | Sri Gunani Partiwi, Anny Maryani, Agung Subyakto
16 | Proposal Of Key Performance Indicator With Integration Of Balanced Scorecard And Prism Framework (Case Study : PT TU) |
I Dewa Made Ari Dananjaya, Triwulandari S. Dewayana
17 | Performance Measurement of Study Program Based On The Performance Prism Model |
Didien Suhardini, Nurlailah Badariah, Wishnu Anindito
18 | Business Process Improvement: Order Fulfillment Process | Vivi Triyanti, Savina Salim
19 | Decision Making Of Raw Material Supplier For Product PP 10160104xx In Pt. Kompindo Fontana Raya Using Fuzzy AHP Approach | Lily Amelia, Marisca Violetta
20 | Translating The Strategy Map Into Execution : From Strategy Map To Dashboard (Case Study : Engineering Faculty Unika Atma Jaya) |
Marsellinus Bachtiar
21 | Development Of Community Based Of Sustainable Tourism Industry In Penglipuran Village, Bangli Regency, Bali Province |
Luh Merry Dyanthi
OR – Operation Research
No | Title | Author |
1 | Comparing Transportation Costs Between Processors And Buyers In CPO Tender Using Genetic Algorithm And Operations Research Tools | Syarif Hidayat, Rizky Betadi Putra
2 | Planning A Simulation Model For Loading And Unloading Containers To Decrease The Cycle Time | Andre Sugioko, Christine Nathalia, Trifenaus Prabu Hidayat
3 | The Measurement Of Workload And Optimal Number Of Education Personnel Using Work Sampling And Task Per Job Methods (A Case Study At PT X.) | Syamsul Anwar, Jasril
4 | Implementing Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) In Traveling Salesman Problem (Case Study At Distribution Store PB) | Widya Nurcahayanty Tanjung, Sopiah
5 | Demand Forecasting For Sales Order And Distribution Requirements Planning System (Case Study : IKM XYZ) | Winangsari Pradani, Cut Nuraini, Nidaul Hasanati, Nunung Nurhasanah, Syarif Hidayat
PS – Production System
No | Title | Author |
1 | Machine Scheduling Proposed For Minimizing Makespan At PT Adiperkasa Anugrah Pratama | Lina Gozali, Silvi Ariyanti, Febrina Lesley Natali
2 | Refurbishment Of Used Machine Elements For Making 2½ Axes Milling Machine Prototype | Bagus Arthaya, Ali Sadiyoko, Oke Setiawan, Filemon N.T., Sebastian T.
3 | Generate And Test Algorithm Development For Job Scheduling In Parallel Machines Which Considering Setup Time For Minimizing Tardiness And Minimizing Makespan For Alternative Sequences That Have Same Tardiness | Victor Suhandi, Melissa Septina Ismanto
4 | Inventory Planning For Fast Moving Consumer Goods Using Periodic-Review Order-Up-To-Level (R, S) System In Retail X Bandung | La Nashia, Mira Rahayu, Budi Santosa C.
5 | Preventive Maintenance Scheduling Based On Service Center And Customer’s Perspective (Case Study: Car Type X Of Company Y) | Yudha Prasetyawan, Mita Musoffa Asti
6 | Increase Of Efficiency Of Workstation Design Through Production Scheduling For Moslem Clothes In SME “XYZ” | Nunung Nurhasanah, Laksmi Saraswati, Syarif Hidayat, Nida’ul Hasanati, Winangsari Pradani, Muhammad Aulia Taqwa, Anela Septiani Zulfikar, Cut Nuraini, Munawir Biki
7 | Inventory Control System Analysis Of Goods At Company X’s Modern Trade | Victor Suhandi, Lydiawari Silalahi, Vivi Arisandhy
8 | Inventory Determination Model for Packaging Materials with Various Demand Data Distributions in Chemical Company | Inaki Maulida Hakim, Putri Larassati
9 | Performance Comparison Of Heuristic Lot-Sizing Models | Jason Baculinao, Hui-Ming Wee, Yang Ching Chow
10 | Multi-Level Inventory Management Considering Transportation Cost And Quantity Discount | Eko Pratomo, Hui Ming Wee, Sukoyo
11 | Scheduling Analysis And Metallurgy Testing Resource Allocation At Metallurgy Laboratory B4T Bandung | Moh. Syarwani, Wahyukaton, Viani Ezra Azizah
12 | Reengineering Process For Reducing Time Of Procurement And Inventory Process In Telecommunication Tower Company With IDEF0 Tools And Esia Method | Indramawan, Rahmat Nurcahyo, Yadrifil, M.Dachyar
13 | Dynamic Modified Spanning Tree Algorithm For Single-Row Dynamic Facility Layout Problem | Yogi Yogaswara
14 | Particle Swarm Optimization Based On Bottleneck Machine For Jobshop Scheduling | Rahmi Maulidya
15 | Improvement Work Efficiency And Manufacturing Productivity At PT. XYZ With Line Balancing Analysis | Arief Suwandi, Prianggara NAL
QM – Quality Engineering & Management
No | Title | Author |
1 | Quality Improvement Effort Using Triz Method Case Study In CV ‘X’, A Metalcasting Industry | Christina Wirawan, Maria Sari Desiana
2 | The Application Of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) To Analyze Lean Six Sigma Capability Of Shrink Labels Production At Company X | David Sungkono, Yurida Ekawati
3 | Application Of Quality Function Deployment And Servqual For Design Service Innovation | Waraporn Yothinsirikul, Natcha Thawesaengskulthai
4 | Design Of Inspection And Classification Prototype For Ceramic Tiles Based On The Digital Image Processing | Yudha Prasetyawan, Maria Christina
5 | Quality Of Computer Music Using Midi Language For Digital Music Arrangement | Pandan Pareanom Purwacandra, Ferry Wahyu Wibowo
6 | Parameter Identification Of Scanning Quality In 3D Laser Scanner: Hardware And Light Intensity Settings | Catharina Badra Nawangpalupi, Hanky Fransiscus, Bagus Arthaya, Adiyoga I Putra
7 | Capability Process Analysis Welding Machine Head Cap Modified | Siti Rohana Nasution, Adham Chalid Rizqie
8 | Design Of Quality Process Standard Based ISO 9001:2008 Clause 7.5.1 For Traditional Batik Cap Industry | Dida D Damayanti, Sri Widaningrum, Luciana Andrawina, Irma Pramudya A
9 | Designing Setting Parameter Of Tablet Compression Process To Minimalize Weight Variation | Teuku Yuri Zagloel, Kinanti Rakayantias
10 | Implementation Six Sigma And Data Mining To Improve Die Casting Production Process At PT. AB | Rina Fitriana, Johnson Saragih, Sitta Sarasaty
11 | Six Sigma Implementation As Preprocessor To Improve Service Quality In Universities | Fajar Kurniawan
12 | Implementation Of Servqual And TRIZ Method To Improve Quality Service (Case Study : PT. JNE -Tiki Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir) | Nofi Erni, Iphov Kumala Sriwana, Wira Tri Yolanda
13 | Quality Study Of Waste Water Processing | N. Sudipa
SCM – Supply Chain Management
No | Title | Author |
1 | Supplier Buyer Relationship Selection Using Supply Positioning Model Method | Ramadian Puspitasari, Mira Rahayu
2 | Structure And Actor Analysis In Dki Jakarta Rice Supply Chain | Dadang Surjasa , Dedy Sugiarto, Nirdukita Ratnawati, Binti Solihah
3 | Bio-Digester Installation Program To Improve Energy Security: Initiating Value Chain Model For Dairy Farmers In Ciater | Catharina Badra Nawangpalupi, Meity Martaleo, Loren Pratiwi, Yani Herawati
4 | Policy Analysis On SMES Vehicle Components In Order To Improve Its Supply Chain Ability With System Dynamics Approach | M. Nurman Helmi
5 | The Impact Of It Implementation On Supply Chain Performance Through Supply Chain Agility, Capabilities, And Integration As Mediating Variables: A Conceptual Model | Ronald Sukwadi